Here are the main differences between pa and Harvard referencing style

In-text citation formatParenthetical with author’s last name and year (Smith, 2020)Author-date within the text (Smith 2020)
Reference list formatAlphabetical by author’s last name, includes publication year, title, and other infoAlphabetical by author’s last name, includes publication year in parentheses, title, and other info
CapitalizationOnly first word and proper nouns capitalizedFirst letter of major words capitalized
Multiple authorsBoth authors listed in in-text citation (Smith & Jones, 2020)Both authors separated by ampersand, only first author listed subsequently (Smith & Jones 2020)
Page numbersRequired for direct quotationsNot always required
In-text citation placementImmediately after cited informationCan be placed at end of sentence or paragraph
AbbreviationsDiscouragedSome common abbreviations allowed
Citation of secondary sourcesBoth sources included in reference listOriginal source cited in text, secondary source listed in reference list
Electronic sourcesSpecific guidelines for citing electronic sourcesSpecific guidelines for citing electronic sources
Use of et al.First author’s name followed by “et al.” for 3+ authors (Smith et al., 2020)All authors’ names listed up to 3 authors, then “et al.” used (Smith, Jones, & Brown, 2020; Smith et al., 2020)

Document or paper referencing is meant to give your work authenticity. Paper format help is one of the vital guidelines that students must adhere to, to ensure that they don’t engage in academic malpractices. Therefore, as a student, it is recommended to have a comprehensive understanding of different styles of referencing. Although, this will mainly depend on the assignment instructions and those of the instructor; by now you are expected to acknowledge the common style of referencing. At we guide our clients on how to reference their work properly and at the same time, we are done referencing on the client’s behalf. First I would to take you through some of the common paper format help styles that you are more likely to come across.

APA Style Writing help

Every referencing must follow a particular order; this is meant to give a unique feature from other referencing styles. As a student you are expected to always remember that there are two parts when comes to referencing; the first part is the in-text citation and the second part is the referencing list. Mainly the in-text citation consists of the author’s name and the year of publication. When placing the in-text citation always ensure you apply the surname of the author. On the aspect of the referencing list, the reference should follow this order, that is, author(s), year of publication, title, subtitle, edition, and publisher.

MLA formatting help

In addition, it is important to ensure that the reference list follows alphabetical order. With the information listed above, you will be in a position to apply APA referencing style in your work. Always remember that referencing is meant to give credit to the author and also it will be regarded as academic malpractice in the event you fail to credit the author’s contributions. If you are a student and you don’t know how to reference, feel free to contact us through our website and we will be glad to offer a helping hand.

Harvard Referencing Style helper

Harvard referencing style is one of the most commonly applied styles in academics; mostly this style is common in U.K learning institutions. It is important to note that Harvard referencing has no major differences with APA style, only that, in the in-text citation you will include the author’s name and the page number where you obtained the information. In addition, it is also important to take note that the Harvard style has no reference list instead it has a bibliography list. The difference between the reference list and a bibliography list is that the reference list consists of all the references contained in the in-text citation, while the bibliography list consists of references that are not necessarily included in the in-text citation. Referencing using the Harvard style is not complicated as many students tend to believe. By adhering to the listed guideline you can be certain that your paper will meet the set standard and eventually earn you good grades.

Research Paper Outline Help

We also offer research paper helper service. Partnering with you can be certain of academic excellence since we are made up of qualified writers and tutors who are willing and ready to walk with you through the academic journey. We also provide services on other referencing styles such as

  • Chicago
  • IEEE Style
  • Turabian citation style
